In order for you to be part of this growing network in Zimbabwe you must sign and accept the terms and conditions of
Please take time to read through this agreement as it spells out our agreement between you and us. The services offered are only limited to the Republic of Zimbabwe. Please do not sign up or engage in these services if you do not wish to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
WHEREAS the parties have agreed to enter into this Agreement as a framework for the parties to coordinate and combine their technical skills and expertise in order to pursue common commercial interests arising therefrom.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
“Agreement” – means this agreement and policies of Tradesperson.
“Client(s)” – any natural or juristic person (s) who access Tradesperson platforms and makes use of the service.
“User/Member/service person” – Reference to your user/member profile or service person refers to any person that accesses or uses our Service on your behalf.
“Service” – means Tradesperson’s social media platforms and other avenues of marketing including apps.
“Service Provider” – means a person who is registered with Tradesperson and has the necessary skills and tools to offer his or her services to clients.
The Service Provider agrees to market and offer his or her services and technical expertise to a number of clients who access Tradesperson platforms, and to engage the said clients to the best of their interests and needs.
- This contract is without limit of time.
- This contract can be terminated by Tradesperson at any given time upon breach by the Service Provider of terms and conditions contained herein and Tradesperson policies and standards.
- The Service Provider can terminate this agreement by deactivating his profile or membership at any given time.
Tradesperson reserves the right to charge fees to the Service Provider for the Services it offers.
- The Service Person shall conduct all his activities lawfully and observe all the laws of Zimbabwe.
- The Service Person shall adhere and comply with this agreement and policies of Tradesperson.
- The Service Provider shall ensure that he enters into Service agreements with prospective clients prior to engagements.
- The Service Provider shall not mislead, misrepresent, deceive or dupe clients.
- The Service Provider has a duty to act honestly and responsibly without causing harm or damage to clients.
- The Service Provider shall not post or engage in unlawful activities on all platforms of Tradesperson.
- The Service Provider shall not download any file posted by another user which cannot legally be distributed, or is in conflict of interest with other users.
- The Service Provider shall not impersonate another person or entity or falsify information on Tradesperson platforms.
- The Service Provider shall not obstruct or sabotage other users or the services of Tradesperson.
- Tradesperson shall grant access to the Service Provider to market his or her business on various Tradesperson platforms.
- Tradesperson has the right to investigate into complaints or matters against the Service Provider.
- Tradesperson shall attend to complaints or grievances reported against the Service Provider and shall attempt to resolve the matter in an amicable manner. In the event of failure to resolve the matter, Tradesperson will make a decision on the matter.
- The Service Provider warrants that he/she is a professional and reliable resource who will conduct his/her activities to consumers in a legal, reliable and professional manner.
- The Service Provider warrants that he/she has the required skills and qualifications, tools, equipment, and investment necessary to meet the needs of consumers who seek services from Tradesperson.
- Tradesperson will not accept liability or responsibility for errors, omissions, or inaccurate material available through its platforms, and make no warranty that the Service will be uninterrupted or error free, or that any defects will be corrected.
- Tradesperson has taken considerable steps to ensure that its platforms are safe and secure. However, Tradesperson does not warrant that the Service will be free of viruses or other malicious malwares and accepts no liability for loss or damage occasioned by such.
- Tradesperson is not responsible for any loss or damage occasioned to the Service Provider by persons or clients who seek services from its platforms.
- The Service Provider is legally responsible for any material or content uploaded on his/her user account.
- The Service Provider exempts Tradesperson from any liability or damages directed at Tradesperson as a result of the Service Provider ‘s conduct or activities with third parties or clients.
- Privacy and Confidentiality
- The Service Provider shall not disclose confidential or non-confidential information or any information obtained indirectly or directly of clients without their written consent.
- The Service Provider shall not share, circulate or disseminate any information of clients to any persons or entities without their consent.
- The Service Provider shall observe and maintain confidentiality and privacy in all his dealings with clients.
- Any legal breaches on matters of privacy and confidentiality, client information, defamation and character assassination or any infringement of rights in relation to information between the Service Provider and the client (s) shall not limit Tradesperson or the client (s) to seek relief or remedies for breach.
- Dispute Resolution
The parties hereby undertake to resolve amicably, through negotiations and consultations, any disputes arising among them pertaining to the interpretation and implementation of this AGREEMENT. In the event of failure to reach a mutual resolution within 7 (seven) days of a dispute arising, the dispute shall be referred for final determination through arbitration in terms of the Arbitration Act [Chapter 7:02]. The arbitrator’s award shall be final and binding upon both Parties.
- Governing Law
Regardless of the place of execution, performance or domicile of the parties, this Agreement and all amendments hereto shall be governed by and construed under, and in accordance with, the laws of Zimbabwe.